Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brisbane floods: Tugboat pilot hailed a hero

Ashleigh on Brisbane RiverImage by Leonard John Matthews via Flickr
The unprecedented floods in large parts of the state of Queensland, Australia

A large slab of concrete walkway threatened all in its path as it tore down the Brisbane River, in the flooded Australian state of Queensland yesterday but any disasters were averted by a quick-thinking tugboat crew. What had one time been a popular spot for walkers and cyclists along the banks of the river turned in to a huge torpedo, three metres wide (20ft) and 150m long.

Tugboat pilot Doug Hislop and engineer, Peter Fenton, were listening to the radio at about 4am when they heard that it was coming. "Nobody called us or asked is to do it. There was no time to speak to anyone. As it was they only caught it about half a kilo metre above the bridge," they said.

For   16km (10 miles) the slab, which had been torn off its foundations by the sheer force of the flood waters, sped down the river unassisted. It was heading for one of the city's major bridges, the Gateway, which spans 260m over the river.

 Flood affected a car of Queensland, Australia

Floods affected a house of the state of Queensland, Australia
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